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Legal Notice

Schaltzentrale, Boxhagener Str. 111
10245 Berlin

VAT Registration Number: DE222730202


Liability for external links
This internet site contains links to external, third party websites, over whose content we have no influence. We therefore cannot take any responsibility for this external content. The respective provider or operator of the linked site is responsible for its content. The linked sites have been checked for possible infringements at the time of linking. No illegal content was recognisable at the time of linking. However, continuous checking of the contents of the linked sites is not reasonable without specific indication of infringement. If made aware of infringements, we will immediately remove the respective links.

Liability for content
Despite careful editing and checking of the content, the operator assumes no liability for the currentness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided, as changes in the interim can never be entirely excluded. As a service provider, we are responsible for the content of our own pages according to Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Teleservices Act (TMG) under general legislation. However, according to Sections 8 to 10 of the German Teleservices Act, as service providers we are not obliged to monitor external information passed on or saved, or to look into instances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations regarding the removal or blocking of information in accordance with general legislation remain unaffected by this. Liability relating to this matter is only possible from the time that it is known that a concrete infringement has occurred. Once made aware of infringements, we will immediately remove the respective content.

Copyright and trademark law
It is forbidden to copy, distribute or modify the content of this website or to make it accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Images, graphics, videos, sounds and texts are subject to the protection of copyright laws and other property rights. All trademarks and product names mentioned within this content, which may be protected by third parties, are unconditionally subject to the provisions of the currently valid trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. Mere mention is no basis for the conclusion that trade names are not protected by the rights of third parties. If owners of external websites see infringements of copyright or competition law in the usage of information on this website, we request to be informed. We will remove without hesitation any respective infringements if actually occurring, without a warning being necessary. Possible copyright infringement occurring on this homepage may not be removed by the copyright owners themselves without our consent.